

Waheguru ji ka Khalsa
Waheguru ji ki Fateh

Global Sikh Vision are proud to announce our forthcoming events,
‘ Teg Bahader Rhapsody’

★| Introduction
Global Sikh Vision is the UK based Registered Non-profit Charitable
★| Objective
GSV seeks to use modern distribution mediums to engage wider audiences andbroader community cohesion in mind. The event is free entry, and all are welcome.

★| Community Cohesion
GSV understands the importance of Community Cohesion and works towards achieving a common goal where all communities live, function, and grow in harmony together. We encourage tolerance, strong & positive relationships between people from different backgrounds, tackling inequalities, and developing a positive climate of opinion to support “Unity in diversity”. We inspire and encourage to

• a common vision and a sense of belonging for all communities
• equal life opportunities for the whole
• strong & positive community relationship among all
• diversity of people’s different backgrounds & circumstances are appreciated and positively valued.

At ‘Teg Bahader Rhapsody’, all communities will be cordially invited regardless of faiths, ethnicities, and backgrounds, promoting the spirit of co-operation and positive community cohesion while celebrating the Ninth Sikh Guru’s universal message of peace, love, unity, and equality, regardless of gender, caste, colour or creed.

★| Events Diary
Walsall Football Stadium is capacious and secure, with sufficient free car parking spaces for the Sangat. Fascinating forthcoming TBR that brims with engaging, encouraging, and inspiring ideas.
1) Conference
2) Divine Gurbani Keertan
3) Continuous Waheguru Simran
4) ‘TBR 400’ ensembles playing ‘TentiSaaz’to create Guinness World Record& others
5) Female Empowerment &Equality Talks
6) Well curated antique ‘Nanak Shahi Coins Exhibition'(1469-1849)
7) Rare Sikh Kingdom Artefacts
8) Turban Day – free turban tying to visitors promoting Sikhism
9) Grand Finale Laser Show
10) ‘Esquire Sikhs 400’(Gold Edition Book)
11) Kids Football Tournaments (Boys & Girls)
12) Blood Donations to NHS
13) Health & well-being camp for all
14) Turban Traveller Expedition with his Car
15) Historian Bhagwan Singh with his Expedition Car
16) Documentaries &Mini-films
17) Nagar Kirtan (Subject to the Council permission, we are seeking your guidance & co-operation)
18) Gatka – Sikh Martial Arts demonstrations
19) Langer (Free snacks, food, hot and cold beverages)
20) SouvenirBook
21) Guruzart – Sikh Art Workshops by renowned Gurmeet Kaur Ji
22) Guru Teg BahaderComic Books and goody bags for children

Thank you

Address of the Venue
Walsall Football Stadium
Bank’s Stadium, Bescot Crescent
Walsall (Near Birmingham)



BHAT MILAP DIWAS (By Bhat Sikh Organisation)

Bhat Sikh welfare organisation, has been working on the history of Bhat Sikhs for a number of years, along with history the organisation help and assist the less privileged throughout the subcontinent and Uk, financially and with moral support.
In year 2016 the organisation branch in Punjab, completed their search on the date, when the Bhats came to the shelter of Guru Ji. These Bhat Sikh then remained with the Gurus, and it is their Baani, which is recorded in The eternal Guru Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, and is more widely known as “Bhata’ Dae SavyiaeThis date was then brought to the attention of the central Sikh authorities, and they requested by the organisation that this historic day should be marked and celebrated every year.
With considerable encouragement from various Historian and Sikh scholars, the Authorities agreed to allocate 15th September to mark this day as “ Bhat Milap Diwas” .
Now this day is celebrated with Guru Ji Praises, Regis Ddhadis and scholar orations at Manji Sahib, in the Vicinity of Sri Harmander Sahib, Amritsar
In view of the same historical date we have organise to celebrate “Bhat Milap Diwas” in UK .

This year this day is being Celebrated on 19th September at GURDWARA SIKH SANGAT (LONDON CITY), 43 Harley Grove , London E3 2AT .



With the blessings of Akaal Purakh Waheguru, in the last 5 years Singh Sabha London East has undergone a massive extension at Seven Kings Gurdwara and a brand new Gurdwara at Barking.

This is all thanks to the Sangats generous donations who have helped make this all possible. An independent building committee full of working professionals was set up in order to aid and keep the cost as low as possible during the building of both momentous gurdwaras. For example, the plot cost for Barking gurdwara was negotiated from 750K to 105K. 830 tonnes of marble was imported directly from India at cost price! And the stone masons were also specialists from India in order to save money too! Whilst all in all, the planning, building regulations snd professional fees cost around £13m.

Furthermore, during the pandemic SSLE was serving 4000 meals per week to the most vulnerable members of society and all frontline workers. SSLE also spear headed the London Kisaan Rally which was the biggest car rally the UK has ever seen with over 1000 cars from all over the UK.

Hopefully in September, ALL the youth, sports, educational and religious classes will start back up as normal like before.

President S. Major Singh Basi would like to whole heartedly thank the Sangat for their continued support and generous donations enabling us to achieve everything we have over the past few years.

With the Grace of Almighty Vahegure, the Management will soon be announcing the official opening of both GURDWARAS SINGH SABHA LONDON EAST